
Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 03.26.21

* Taylor Swift and a Utah theme park have have dropped their copyright infringement claims against one another. Guess they no longer have "bad blood" and would rather "shake it off"... [Rolling Stone] * A top Obama lawyer is being vetted for an antitrust position at the Department of Justice. [Politico] * A Louisiana man is in hot water for pretending to be a lawyer. [ABC News] * The University of Southern California has agreed to a $852 million payout to settle sexual abuse claims against a longtime campus gynecologist. [Yahoo News] * Marijuana will soon be legal in the Empire State. Kind of gives new meaning to a "New York state of mind"... [New York Post]

Morning Docket

Morning Docket: 05.16.13

* Schools with the most racially diverse law school faculties didn’t do well in the U.S. News Rankings or the ATL one. [New York Law Journal] * Jodi Arias news. Something about the death penalty. I didn’t really read the article. Remember, every time you click on something about Jodi Arias, God kills a kitten. […]

Barack Obama

Non-Sequiturs: 07.09.12

* The Obama campaign is going to court to fight for their big ‘O’ trademark. I guess their claim that Romney’s centrist pragmatism was infringing on Obama’s reputation as a practical moderate fell through once Romney started pandering to his base. [WSJ Law Blog] * Cruise and Holmes have reached a divorce settlement already. I really think they’ve lost that loving feeling. [Ministry of Gossip / Los Angeles Times] * After a major blackout, you just know lawyers who work for power companies are going to be busy. [Legal Blog Watch] * British judge tells Arab man “to depart on his flying carpet” to escape paying costs. In other news: even a magic carpet wouldn’t help Brits win their own tennis tournament. [Legal Juice] * The bad judgment isn’t necessarily that a Brooklyn ADA took these pictures of himself, it’s that he didn’t scrub them from Facebook after he became an ADA. [Gothamist] * I-bankers suck at managing their own 401Ks. Maybe that’s the corollary to lawyers being bad at representing themselves. [Dealbreaker] * This is a brilliant look back at everything that happened with the Roberts Affordable Care Act decision, minute-by-minute. [SCOTUSblog]


Non-Sequiturs: 02.13.12

* Looks like Obama has reached a compromise position on birth control. It’s not right, but it’s okay. [WSJ Law Blog] * Apple gets so emotional baby, every time it thinks of Samsung. [eWeek] * Greece begrudgingly signed austerity legislation while lamenting, “Didn’t we almost have it all.” [What About Clients] * The Bearcat would […]

4th Circuit

Morning Docket: 01.16.12

* Rick Perry’s primary ballot election law suit in Virginia was unsuccessful, but maybe the Fourth Circuit will help him out on appeal. Or not. At least Huntsman’s out of the race, right? [Bloomberg] * That didn’t take too long. The National Federation of Independent Business has officially popped the cherry on filing lawsuits challenging […]


Morning Docket: 01.03.12

* Obama took a break from his vacation to sign the NDAA. But don’t worry, as long as he’s president, he’ll never indefinitely detain American citizens. Oh boy, we get a one-year guarantee. [New York Times] * “By your powers combined, I am Captain Primary!” Four Republican presidential candidates are joining forces to assist Rick […]

American Bar Association / ABA

Morning Docket: 12.23.11

* Merry Christmas! House Republicans will get one less lump of coal in their stockings this year after accepting a two-month extension of unemployment benefits and payroll tax cuts. [New York Times] * Another birther lawsuit has been thrown out, but Orly Taitz won’t be stopped. She’s like the Energizer Bunny of questionable litigation. She’ll […]